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When it comes to cannabis edibles, people have a lot of questions, especially if they are using THC edibles. How long does the effect last? What’s the best way to take them? How much should I eat?

Edibles can take up to two hours to kick in, and the effects can last several hours, depending on your weight and overall body composition and metabolism. This can be a problem if you overestimate the dose or are not patient enough to allow the edible to digest completely.

A high dose of THC from an edible can have you feeling uncomfortably high for an extended period. Genetics and experience with THC also play a role in how edibles affect you.

In this post, we’ll answer all your questions and give you some tips on how to get the most out of your THC-edible experience. Stay tuned!

Article Highlights:

  • THC edibles typically take 30–60 minutes to kick in for most individuals.
  • The duration of a THC high from edibles depends on the dose, your weight, your metabolism, and your experience with THC. But the duration of a THC edible ranges typically from a few hours up to 8 hours before the THC is metabolized to the point where you do not feel its effects.
  • To avoid feeling overwhelmed, it is recommended to start with low doses.
  • Federally legal THC edibles are derived from hemp crops that maintain less than 0.3% THC by weight. Still, it is possible to find medical marijuana edibles and recreational edibles in certain states.

What Are Cannabis Edibles?

Cannabis edibles are food items that contain cannabinoids, the active compounds in cannabis. Many people enjoy cannabis edibles because they offer a convenient and discreet way to consume cannabis.

They also tend to be more potent than other methods of consumption, such as smoking or vaporizing. Cannabis edibles come in many forms, including cookies, brownies, candies, and even savory dishes.

The effects of cannabis edibles can vary depending on the dosage and the individual’s metabolism, but they typically take longer to kick in than other methods of consumption. Because of this, it is important to start with a low dose and increase gradually as needed after waiting a couple of hours.

When consumed responsibly, cannabis edibles can provide an enjoyable and safe way to consume cannabis.

The Difference Between Marijuana Edibles And Hemp Edibles

How Long Do Edibles Last (THC?) 2

Hemp and cannabis plants are often confused because they come from the same family of plants, Cannabis sativa. Both are known as cannabis plants. However, they differ in their THC content.

THC is the main psychoactive or impairing compound in cannabis, and it’s what gets you “high.” Marijuana plants have high THC levels, while hemp plants contain less than 0.3% THC. Hemp plants must contain less than 0.3% THC by dry weight to be legally classified as hemp, according to the 2018 Agriculture Improvement Act (also known as the Farm Bill).

In other words, because of the very low THC level regulated in hemp, you could smoke a whole hemp field and not get high.

Hemp plants are known for their sturdy fibers, which can be used to make everything from rope to fabric to paper. The buds that grow on hemp are also a source of CBD, a compound with potential health benefits without causing intoxicating effects.

Marijuana edibles are made with cannabis that contains THC, the compound that produces psychoactive effects. Marijuana isn’t yet federally legal, but some states have legalized the plant and its derivatives for medical programs and recreational use.

Hemp edibles, on the other hand, are made with CBD-rich hemp extract. However, it is still possible to get legal THC products from hemp.

All VIIA Hemp Delta-8 THC and Delta-9 THC products are made from Farm Bill-compliant hemp crops.

What Are Medical Cannabis Edibles?

Medical cannabis edibles are a type of cannabis-infused products that are consumed orally rather than smoked or vaporized.

Unlike traditional cannabis-based edibles, like brownies and cookies, which have long been available at dispensaries and stores, the availability of medical marijuana edibles has surged in recent years due to advances in cannabis research and legalization efforts.

These edibles come in various forms, from infused gummy bears and chocolate bars to lozenges and hard candies. Some are made with natural ingredients like honey or lavender, while others rely on artificial flavoring agents. Overall, medical marijuana edibles offer patients an alternative delivery method for treating conditions such as chronic pain, nausea, and loss of appetite.

How Long Does It Take For Edibles To Kick In?

THC edibles typically take 30–60 minutes to kick in for most individuals.

When you consume edibles, the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is metabolized differently than when you smoke or vape cannabis. When you inhale THC, it enters your bloodstream directly and produces effects within minutes, which later gets metabolized by the liver. However, when you eat THC-infused food, it has to travel through your digestive system first before it enters your bloodstream.

Edibles are made by infusing food with cannabinoids, and the amount of time it takes for them to take effect depends on several factors, including how much cannabis is used, how well the edibles are made, how quickly it travels through your digestive system, and how strong your tolerance is.

If you’re new to THC edibles, start with a small dose and see how you feel before eating more. And remember, it can take a couple of hours for the effects of full edibles to kick in, so be patient before going in for more.

How Long Do Edibles Last (Delta 9)?

Delta-9 THC edibles are a great way to enjoy the benefits of cannabis without smoking it.

Many factors determine how long your edibles will last, including how potent and well they’re stored and your metabolism. In general, you can expect most edibles to last between four and six hours. This longer duration of effects is why individuals who use THC for either pain or sleep get the most benefit, as the edible breaks down over time to provide long-lasting effects in these conditions (Barris et al., 2016).

So, if you’re looking to ride the high all night long (or use the effect for a better quality of sleep), you might want to eat more—but make sure you’ve waited for the product to kick in so you can gauge how much more to consume. On the other hand, if you’re trying to stay low-key, a single low dose of THC gummies might be just right.

Factors That Influence How Long Consuming Cannabis Products Last

Several factors play into how long cannabis products that are consumed will last for an individual.

Let’s explore some of these practical considerations. Understanding these variables can help people better predict how long they’ll feel the effects of cannabis after consuming it.

Keep in mind that everyone’s body is different and will respond to cannabis differently, so please use this information as a general guideline only. The first rule of edibles is to START LOW!

Dosage And Concentration

When it comes to cannabis, the adage “less is more” definitely applies. How much THC is in your edibles is typically indicated by milligrams or MG.

The higher the concentration of THC, the harder the edible will hit, and generally, the longer it will last in your system.

This is because your body can only metabolize so much THC in a given time frame.

Your Body Weight & Metabolism

Your weight and metabolism can influence how long you’ll feel the effects of alcohol, and the same is true for THC whether you’re consuming edibles or vaping cannabis.

If you’re a lightweight, meaning that you do not partake of THC very often, you’ll likely feel the effects more than someone who is a heavier THC user. And if you have a fast metabolism, the THC will leave your system faster than someone with a slower metabolism. Keep in mind that chronic conditions that affect your metabolism, like thyroid or metabolic disorders, will also influence the rate at which your body metabolizes THC, with a longer time to feel the effects more likely because of the condition (Ewell et al., 2021).

Fasted State Versus Unfasted State

Most individuals know that drinking alcohol on an empty stomach tends to create stronger effects, it’s not the same with cannabis edibles.  It is generally advised to consume cannabinoids alongside fatty foods to help hasten their entry into the body. This is because cannabinoids are fat-soluble compounds that can hitch into the system when taken alongside food.

One study observed that CBD and THC levels in plasma were higher in subjects who consumed the cannabinoids alongside food than in a fasted state [1].

This is also one of the reasons why cannabis brownie administration and other edibles made with fatty ingredients are the best way to get the most out of your THC experience.

Experience With THC

If you’re a seasoned cannabis consumer, you may find that your highs don’t last as long as they used to or hit quite as hard. On the other hand, if you’re new to cannabis, especially baked goods or gummies, your high may seem to last forever.

So why does this happen?

Well, it all has to do with tolerance. When you consume edibles regularly, your body becomes used to the ongoing, high levels of THC. As a result, it takes more of the compound to get you high. The same thing can happen when you consume caffeine or nicotine or even some pharmaceuticals (like opioids) regularly.

Someone with a higher tolerance may also experience the effects of THC for just a few short hours compared to someone with a low tolerance. This may be because of the presence of THC that is already in their system, as determined in oral samples and blood sample drug tests [2].

Many people who want to reset their tolerance will take a T-break (tolerance break) for two weeks, abstaining from inhaling cannabis or edibles.

Can You Sober Up From THC Faster?

Let’s say you’ve consumed way too many THC edibles, and you’re experiencing the negative effects of too much THC—panic attacks, paranoia, or dizziness.

There are some things you might be able to do to reduce the intensity of its effects. However, in most cases, you’ll need to wait it out.

Drinking water and light exercise will not “flush” THC out of your system because the body doesn’t quite work like that. And you don’t want to accidentally consume too much water that you give yourself water poisoning—yes, this is possible.

Experts recommend making lemon peel tea, as the essential oils in lemons and limonene can help to uplift your mood and mellow out your bad experience.

Another trick is to smell freshly cracked black pepper. Pinene and beta-caryophyllene are terpenes that are known to have grounding effects.

These natural terpenes, limonene, pinene, and beta-caryophyllene, are also naturally present in cannabis plants and have synergistic effects known as the Entourage Effect.

What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Edibles?

When you eat THC, it has to go through something called first-pass metabolism, which is why eating THC-containing food is not as potent as smoking it.

First-pass metabolism occurs when the digestive system and liver break down the active ingredient before it gets delivered into the bloodstream. First-pass metabolism influences everything you eat or drink as the digestive system decides what to keep and send to the body and what to get rid of, eliminating waste products through the GI tract.

The liver breaks down THC into different metabolites, including 11-OH-THC and THC-COOH. These active metabolites are then circulated through the body and eventually excreted once they are completely broken down via the stool.

Active THC metabolites then bind to cannabinoid receptors in your brain, causing the changes in perception, mood, and cognitive impairments that we associate with being high.

THC also affects other parts of your body and stimulates your endocannabinoid system (which regulates functions like pain, appetite, and mood) and numerous other receptors (like dopamine and serotonin receptors) throughout the body.

Why Do Edibles Make Users Feel Higher Compared To Smoking Marijuana?

Smoking or vaping THC products results in a faster onset of effects because it enters the bloodstream within a matter of seconds in the oxygen exchange in the lungs before it is metabolized by the liver.

The effects of eating THC can often be felt for longer than smoking since the THC is broken down by the stomach acids in the digestive system and then by the liver. This process of digestion breaks down the THC into 11-hydroxy-THC, which is a more potent form of THC. As a result, edibles tend to produce a stronger and more long-lasting high than smoking. A rule of thumb is to consider an edible dosage twice the potency of a smoked or vaped dosage.

However, first-pass metabolism also means that you’ll get less of a psychoactive head-high from eating weed than smoking it, but it may produce a more pronounced body high for a longer period of time.

Not only is consuming THC as an edible the most discreet option, but edibles also offer long-lasting and potent effects compared to smoking cannabis. The key is to be patient!

Is Smoking Or Vaping THC Better Than Eating Cannabis Products?

It’s a question that has long divided cannabis consumers: is it better to smoke or vape THC or to eat it?

While there are pros and cons to both methods, the jury is still out on which is the best way to consume THC. Smoking and vaping provide a more immediate high, while eating THC-infused foods provides a longer-lasting but less intense high.

However, there are also health risks associated with smoking and vaping, such as lung irritation and respiratory disease, whereas eating THC-infused foods does not pose the same risks.

Ultimately, the decision of how to consume THC is a personal one, and there is no wrong answer. Whether you choose to smoke, vape, or eat your cannabis,remember to enjoy it responsibly.

Do THC Edibles Show Up On Drug Tests?

It’s a common question asked by those who like to partake in the occasional joint: “Will THC show up on my drug test?” The answer, unfortunately, is yes. The most common type of drug test is a urine test, which looks for traces of the metabolized THC.

THC is stored in your fat cells and released into your system over time. That’s why it can stay in your system for weeks after you last consumed THC.

High doses and frequent use make it much more likely to stay in your system, but it’s still possible to fail a drug test with low doses of THC. So if you’ve got a drug test coming up, it’s best to steer clear of THC altogether—no matter how tempting that weed brownie might be.

Final Thoughts: How Long Do Edibles Last (THC)?

Gummies or chocolate edibles make for a tasty THC treat—they’re discreet and smoke-free. One question new users ask is how long different types of THC food products last.

The answer, unfortunately, is not as straightforward as we’d like. All edibles can last anywhere from 3 to 8 hours—depending on how your body reacts to the dose.

For example, if you have a lot of experience smoking THC products, you may find that edibles don’t pack the same punch as they once did because your tolerance has increased, and you may need to adjust your dose.

To ensure you have the best experience, don’t underestimate edible use because it looks like regular candy. Pay close attention to the THC content as indicated by MG, and start low and go slow.

Resources Sited:

  1. Pryor, G. T., Husain, S., & Mitoma, C. (1977). Influence of fasting on the absorption and effects of δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol after oral administration in sesame oil. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 6(3), 331-341.
  2. Newmeyer, M. N., Swortwood, M. J., Andersson, M., Abulseoud, O. A., Scheidweiler, K. B., & Huestis, M. A. (2017). Cannabis edibles: Blood and oral fluid cannabinoid pharmacokinetics and evaluation of oral fluid screening devices for predicting Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in blood and oral fluid following cannabis brownie administration. Clinical chemistry, 63(3), 647-662.Chicago
  3. Barrus, D. G., Capogrossi, K. L., Cates, S. C., Gourdet, C. K., Peiper, N. C., Novak, S. P., … & Wiley, J. L. (2016). Tasty THC: Promises and challenges of cannabis edibles. Methods Report (RTI Press), 2016.
  4. Ewell, T. R., Abbotts, K. S. S., Williams, N. N. B., Butterklee, H. M., Bomar, M. C., Harms, K. J., … & Bell, C. (2021). Pharmacokinetic investigation of commercially available edible marijuana products in humans: Potential influence of body composition and influence on glucose control. Pharmaceuticals, 14(8), 817.
  5. Marangoni, I. P., & Marangoni, A. G. (2019). Cannabis edibles: Dosing, encapsulation, and stability considerations. Current Opinion in Food Science, 28, 1-6.
  6. Turcotte, C., & Flamand, N. (2016). Impact of cannabis, cannabinoids, and endocannabinoids in the lungs. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 7, 215420.
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